Here are some great website links.
Network Chiropractic
Reorganisational Healing A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behaviour Change, Holistic Practice, and Healing. Video of Network Care by Dr Donny Epstein
Wise World Seminars Network Seminar Information and Schedules
Dr Donny Epstein Dr Donny Epstein’s website
Association for Reorganisational Healing Practice (ARHP) Advancing, promoting and supporting Reorganisational Healing and Reorganisationally Informed modalities.
The Global Gateway Foundation A non-profit organization founded to serve as a scientific, social and philanthropic catalyst to support healing, wellness and the dignity and integration of global humanity.
Chiropractors Assn. of Australia (National)
Chiropractors Assn. of Australia (Victoria)
Integral Theory and Practice
Integral Life Integral Life is a social media hub documenting the rise of a unique 21st century renaissance occurring amongst visionary leaders, scientists, thinkers and artists around the world.
Ken Wilber Ken Wilber is one of the most important philosophers in the world today.
Integral Altitude Dr Simon Senzon, Network Chiropractor, Integral Altitude Practices
Margo Field – Personal Training for the Heart, Mind and Spirit
Robert Were – Self Actualisation Coach