Network Care

Releasing deeply ingrained patterns and tensions

Network Care2024-05-30T00:36:12+10:00

Network Care

Releasing deeply ingrained holding patterns and tensions

Network Care is a contemporary form of chiropractic treatment that releases and removes deeply ingrained holding patterns and tensions in the body.  A network practitioner uses a gentle system of light touches to specific points on the body (called entrainments).  In so doing, neurological pathways are activated that prompt the brain to suggest to the body how it might release tension and realign itself in a more balanced way. Network Care seeks to help your body heal itself.

The typical result is a person feeling more flexible and at ease, breathing more freely, coping with stress and having a dramatically enhanced experience of life. Recipients of Network Care often report feeling less pain and improved organ function. They also speak about feeling more self-confident and expressive, and having a much clearer experience of their body and their feelings.

The Development of Network Care

Network Care represents a significant paradigm shift in the practice of Chiropractic. In the 1970’s and the early 1980’s Dr Donny Epstein, an American chiropractor, decided to combine his passion for the original principles of chiropractic with a growing awareness of traditional and emerging healing practices such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Ayurveda.

Instead of pushing on “stuck” spinal joints (those with limited movement or a large amount of stored energy) he experimented with focusing his attention on joints that were already working. He applied gentle pressure on spinal segments that seemed to be moving freely and therefore receptive to his touch.  His intention was to work in unison with the body’s natural rhythms and intelligence instead of trying to manually enforce a correction.

The results were unprecedented. Most obvious in the beginning were large spontaneous body movements (wriggling, twisting and stretching) and releases of emotion. More impressive were the results his patients began to report: reduced pain and improved organ function. They also reported feeling more free and at ease in themselves, more self-confident and expressive, coping better with stress and having a much clearer experience of their body and their feelings.

His practice became highly sought after and over the following decades he refined his methods into a precise system known as Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) or ‘Network Care’. His methods have been embraced by chiropractors throughout the world.

Patterns of Tension

Many people carry patterns of tension and holding in their bodies, often centred in their spine and neck. These patterns are accumulated throughout life and often arise as a result of some stressful event or episode (sadness, grief, anger, anxiety). During such episodes the body tenses and braces and creates a habit or pattern that becomes fixed in the body and lingers for a long time after the stressful event has passed. This is mostly an unconscious process but the effects are apparent and manifest as backaches, stiff necks, headaches, restricted movement and a general feeling of discomfort.

As a result of our accumulated tension we often feel less well than we could, we have aches and pains that niggle us, and physical limits we would like to transcend. In addition, these holding patterns and the resulting body tension almost always interfere with our natural breathing rhythms. Most people’s breathing cycle is hampered in some way and their breathing is often shallow and limited because they are only using a small portion of their true capacity.

As we age all these problems – accumulated patterns of tension, restricted physical and emotional responses, restricted breathing – tend to get worse as our body’s inherent adaptability declines.

The Entrainment

A Network Chiropractor will assess an individual’s tension patterns and use a very gentle system of light touches to specific points in the body. This procedure is called an Entrainment which refers to the coherent and harmonious rhythm that develops within the spine, nervous system and the breath. These touches activate the neurological pathways which stimulate the brain into suggesting to the body that it might release tension.  He or she might also recommend exercises in breathing techniques. Network Care seeks to help your body heal itself.

The term ‘light touch’ may conjure up an image of a superficial process but what is so startling about the first NSA experience is how much deep change and reorganisation can trigger.

Network Care starts with a consultation with the practitioner to provide information about your health history. There is also a physical examination to assess the degree and types of tension and holding patterns in your body. The practitioner then discusses the options for care and treatment with you. A single session of Network Care can have a big impact but usually it is best to have several or a course of treatments. At the end of the course of treatment the practitioner and client discuss and assess the progress and the changes that have been achieved.

You remain fully clothed during the treatments. You lie on an examination table, usually face down. There are several tables in the room and usually there is more than one person being treated at the same time. This is because practitioners believe that receiving Network Care in the company of others is in itself beneficial.

The Entrainment Experience

At the start of each entrainment the practitioner assesses your body state. This often involves holding and gently twisting your heels so the practitioner can observe how movement is transmitted through your body and establish where there are blockages to movement. An entrainment session may include guided breathing exercises. An entrainment usually takes no longer than half an hour during which time the practitioner will gently touch various parts of your spine and back. Sometimes you may be asked to lie on your back or side.  

During an entrainment you can experience spontaneous body movements as tension is released. This can also result in the release of strong emotions and these may be felt during the session itself as well as in the following days and weeks. Immediately after an entrainment most people experience a pleasant sense of release and realignment.

Network Care is suitable for all ages from young infants to the elderly. Infants and children often benefit from Network Care very quickly as their body patterns are not as deeply entrenched as those of adults. An older person may have patterns that have been present for decades and these may take longer to release. Network Care is also safe and recommended for pregnant women.

More about Network Care

Free of the limitations of past stresses, we begin to experience a sense of possibility that many of have not felt since childhood. We often feel more centred and aware of our authentic strength, power, value and love.

Levels of Care

Network Care is structured in three levels that build on each other. The first level of care is called Basic Care. The primary objective of this level is to help your brain locate and connect with the stored tension and release it. These releases may be obvious or happen on a more subtle level. You may experience physical releases and body movements such as twisting, stretching or wriggling. You may also experience more emotional releases such as laughing or crying, or you may find your body ‘cleaning house’ and detoxing. Physical pain often eases substantially during this first level and many people notice a sense of relief or change. This level is referred to as “Discover” as it is designed to find the deep seated tension that is holding you back.

The second level of care is called Intermediate Care. This level is directed at releasing the deeper layers of stored tension in the body. Now that your body has developed strategies for releasing its stored tension, you can use (in fact build up more tension) and redirect energy constructively to change or transform old patterns. It’s like a sailor harnessing the wind and redirecting it to travel wherever they want to go. This level is aimed at refining your ability to adapt to stress and life differently. People find they begin to respond in life rather than reacting out of built-up defences. This level is referred to as “Transform” as the energy being released is sufficiently well directed to make transformative changes in your life.

The third level of care is called Advanced Care. This level is about growing, evolving and expanding your connection with yourself, others and your external environment. You gain deeper awareness of yourself and experience greater flexibility and adaptability. This level is referred to as “Awaken” as it is here that you wake up to your calling in life.
As you advance through the Levels of Care in sequence, the cycle of healing progresses and you experience connecting, releasing, transforming, refining, evolving, and repeating this cycle with increasing efficiency, spontaneity, independence and ease.

A Life More Free
As we ‘disassemble’ and integrate our defensive patterning we begin to experience life very differently. Physically we become more flexible and many aches and pains drop away. Physiologically our body functions are able to restore themselves to their ‘healthy living’ function rather than being trapped in survival mode. We rest more easily, digest and assimilate foods better, our metabolism normalises.
As the baggage of past stresses melts away we begin to perceive the world more clearly. We feel freer emotionally, having a greater depth of experience and range of emotional expression. We assert ourselves more and are less troubled by people, situations and events that previously may have been very stressful.
Free of the limitations from past stresses we begin to experience a sense of possibility that many of us have not felt since childhood. We often feel more centred and aware of our authentic strength, power, value and love.

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