Your Care at Enkindle Wellness
My way of practice is a unique combination of methods for facilitating healing
I help people with a combination of Network Care, Profound Tension Release and Tesla Metamorphosis techniques. These techniques are effective, gentle and powerful.
They are designed to help the body and mind to heal the injuries and trauma experienced through a lifetime.
People come to me with pain and other symptoms in all parts of their bodies and limbs. They may also come with experiences of emotional and/or mental blockages or over-activity. The symptoms and blockages/over-activity have usually lead to them feeling frustrated and trapped by their current life situation.
The methods I use are designed to release blockages in the flow of energy of the body’s two great communications systems; the nervous system and the connective tissue system.
Who comes to see me?
People from all age groups and for a variety of reasons
Network Care,Tesla Metamorphosis and Profound Tension Release are suitable for all ages from young infants to the elderly and including women who are pregnant. Infants and children may benefit very quickly as their body patterns are not as deeply entrenched as those of adults. An adult will often have patterns that have been present for decades and these may take longer to release.
Network Care
Network Care is a contemporary form of care that is designed to release and remove deeply ingrained holding patterns and tensions in the body. A network practitioner uses a gentle system of light touches to specific points on the body (called entrainments). In so doing, neurological pathways are activated that prompt the brain to suggest to the body how it might release tension and realign itself in a more balanced way. Network Care seeks to help your body heal itself.
The typical result is a person feeling more flexible and at ease, breathing more freely, coping with stress and having a dramatically enhanced experience of life. Recipients of Network Care often report feeling less pain and improved organ function. They also speak about feeling more self-confident and expressive, and having a much clearer experience of their body and their feelings.
Tesla Metamorphosis
Tesla Metamorphosis is a modality in which the trained Tesla Metamorphosis practitioner accesses the energy, information and light of the Tesla Waves to facilitate the client’s journey of healing and evolving. The links found here are to my Tesla Metamorphosis website www.sparkleoflife.com.au There are three modes, or ways of working with the intelligent energies of Tesla Metamorphosis®:
Each mode has a different intent and procedure. All use Tesla waves to access light, energy and information. Each mode is used independently but it is recommended that at least 3 sessions of Tesla Healing Metamorphosis be experienced prior to the experience of Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis.
People experience Tesla Healing Metamorphosis to heal some aspect(s) of themselves, be it physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.
In Tesla Soul Communication there is an opening of communication between the practitioner and the client through meaning, emotions and images. This communication is beyond words and the client might obtain insight about what is causing his/her health, or other problems. These insights can be life changing.
Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis initiates consciousness evolution. Evolution can be on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and can be more far-reaching than healing. It is done once in a life time.
The founder of Tesla Metamorphosis® is Anya Petrovic. More in-depth information about Tesla Metamorphosis on the Tesla Metamorphosis website.
Profound Tension Release
Profound Tension Release (PTR) is a technique developed by Ken Stewart for releasing tension within the connective tissues of our bodies. Tension in our bodies develops as a response to injury and trauma arising from physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual stresses we inevitably experience throughout our lifetime.
These stresses form patterns of tension throughout our bodies, our limbs and our organs. Profound Tension Release involves the practitioner applying gentle hand pressure to the specific place in the body where the source of a pattern of tension originates. Therefore enabling tension to be released and resolved.
Ken Stewart
I graduated as a Chiropractor 35 years ago with the belief that my purpose was to help people to help themselves. My years of practice as a manual Chiropractor provided a terrific background to my embracing of Network Care, Tesla Metamorphosis and Profound Tension Release techniques. I have now retired from registration as a chiropractor and continue to work using the same methods.
Practicing in a wholistic way, I see people who are not just focusing on getting rid of something, e.g. a headache (and then inevitably reverting to the same old self that caused the pain in the first place) but people who are willing to focus on exploring and experiencing new possibilities of themselves. This requires a commitment to gaining personal insight and growth.
Having practiced and received Network care for more than 15 years, I am confident of its unlimited possibilities as a means of finding greater resources of grace, energy and passion. I regularly attend seminars and workshops to learn and experience the continuing advances in Network Chiropractic, thus enabling me to improve my capacity to assist others to realise their potential.
Over recent years I have developed a technique that I have called Profound Tension Release. PTR is designed to release tension patterns in the connective tissues of body, limbs and organs. Working in concert with Network Care, which is aimed at releasing tension patterns in the spine and central nervous system, Profound Tension Release may help provide a more specific resolution to many of the problems that people come to see me about.
I have completed my full training as a Tesla Metamorphosis practitioner and this has added to my ability the facilitate healing.
I embrace an attitude of enthusiastic optimism and yet have enormous respect for the people who come to see me. I am continually inspired by the effort and courage my clients expend in order to improve their lives and their relationships with others.
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“What lies before us and what lies behind us are trifles to what lies within us. And if we do what is in us, carry that out into the world, miracles happen.” Albert Jay Nock