Enkindle Wellness Privacy Policy
Your privacy is respected
This Practice’s policy outlines how personal information provided by you to or collected by the Practice about you is used and managed. The Practice is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act and relevant State Privacy Legislation. The Practice will review and update this Privacy Policy on a regular basis.
What personal information is collected and how?
The type of information collected and retained by the Practice includes personal information, including sensitive information about:
- Patients;
- Job applicants;
- Staff members;
- Contractors;
- Other people who come into contact with the Practice.
Personal information personally provided.
The Practice collects personal information held about an individual by way of forms filled out, face to face meetings and interviews, telephone calls, facsimiles, emails and delivery of chiropractic services.
Personal information provided by other people.
In some circumstances, the Practice may receive personal information about an individual from a third party, for example referrals.
Employee records exemption.
The Practice’s Privacy Policy does not apply, in relation to the Practice’s treatment of an employee record, where the treatment is directly related to a current or former employment between the employee and the Practice.
The Practice’s use of personal information personally provided.
The primary purpose of collection is for the sole use of the Practice informing you of its services, programs and product offerings and to enable the Practice to provide information/services to patients and for such other secondary purposes that are related to the primary purpose of collection and can responsibly be expected to so relate, or to which you have personally consented.
The purpose for which this Practice uses personal information include.
- To keep you informed about matters related to the Practice’s activities through correspondence, emails, facsimiles, newsletters and magazines;
- Day-to-day activities;
- Looking after the client’s interests; and
- Information.
Job applicants and contractors.
In relation to personal information of job applicants and contractors, the Practice’s primary purpose of collection is to assess the applicant or contractor.
The Practice’s marketing functions support the growth and development of the Practice. Personal information will not be disclosed to an organization that assists in marketing.
Who might the Practice disclose personal information to?
The Practice may disclose personal information (including sensitive information) held about an individual to,
- another chiropractor,
- another health service provider,
- government departments, and
- anyone you authorise the Practice to disclose information to.
Sending information overseas.
The Practice will not send personal information about an individual outside Australia without,
- obtaining the individual’s consent, or
- complying with the National Privacy Principles.
How does the Practice treat sensitive information?
Information relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origins political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, sexual preferences or criminal record, that is also personal information, and health information about an individual is sensitive and will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related secondary purpose unless you agree otherwise, or the use or disclosure of the sensitive information is allowed by law.
Management and security of personal information
The Practice’s staff are, as a condition of their employment, expected to respect the confidentiality of personal information and the privacy of individuals. The Practice has a system to protect the personal information it retains.
Personal information update
The Practice tries to ensure that the personal information it retains is accurate complete and up-to-date. To update their personal information a person may contact the Privacy Officer by appointment.
You can check with the Practice about what personal information it retains on you.
An individual has the right to obtain access to any personal information the Practice retains and to advise of any perceived inaccuracy.
Please contact the privacy officer in writing if you wish to obtain access.
For further information about the Practice’s management of privacy, please contact the Practice’s Privacy Officer.
Privacy Officer; Dr Ken Stewart Telephone 0428 660 038