Of the most recent 25 people who have come to see me for the first time, 44% reported on their intake form that they were experiencing anxiety. Almost all of these people were not experiencing clinically diagnosed anxiety nor were they receiving any treatment for the condition. Statistics tell us that over 2 million Australians experience clinically diagnosed anxiety every year.  Clearly it can be a serious condition requiring medical and psychological help.

But where does that leave the seemingly large group of people, such as people who come to see me, who manage periods of anxiety themselves? It can have a real and debilitating effect on all aspects of their lives.

Anxiety is often described as, “a crazy out of control energy” in the body, mind and nervous system

In speaking with my practice members over the years, I have come to the conclusion that anxiety is often described as, “a crazy out of control energy” in the body, mind and nervous system. It produces symptoms which include: a racing mind, feeling “spacey”, poor sleep, irritability, defensiveness, aches and pains, poor concentration, constant worries, fear and breathlessness. I think most people have experienced anxiety at some point in their lives.

From a Network Chiropractic point of view, I look at “conditions” such as anxiety as dysfunctions rather than diseases. From this perspective, common anxiety results from a current life situation bringing to the surface previous traumatic life experiences. Traumatic experiences from the past have been stored in the body and mind because the person didn’t have the resources or maturity to resolve them at the time of their occurrence.

The original trauma, be it physical, emotional or mental (or a combination), need not seem hugely significant from an adult’s point of view, or even be remembered by the adult. Its significance is how stressful it was at the time it occurred, from the perspective of the  person experiencing it at that time. It’s interesting to note that of the new people mentioned above who reported anxiety, all but two reported experiencing childhood trauma. Their ages ranged from 14 to 57 years old.

In my experience the “crazy energy” of common anxiety can almost always be resolved. The personal characteristics of the people who most successfully address their anxiety are:

  • An awareness that there is no quick fix – the journey is about personal development to become more of the person they know and want to be – not just “fixing” the symptoms.
  • Finding the courage to take on “stuff” knowing that there’s multilayered blockages which take time (months, often years) to get to the bottom of.
  • Confidence to take their own course, to be aware of powerful interests of control in our society (and often of the influence of family and friends).
  • Preparedness to experience the recurrence of symptoms along the way and realise that symptoms are a source of learning.
  • Determination to change their life for the better, despite the ups and downs and to become less judgemental of themselves.
  • A curiosity about ways from within to make progress: meditation, eating well, exercising appropriately, being kind, creating time for oneself, trying “presence” methods such as Byron Katie’s “The Work”.
  • Following through with healing arts – Network Chiropractic, Profound Tension Release and Tesla Metamorphosis for example are all designed to help you become more of what you can be by helping release stored anxiety patterns.

The “crazy energy” becomes more directed (turns into a strength) and able to be utilised for positive results as the person becomes more grounded and less defensive.

With the techniques I use, people report that the “crazy energy” becomes more directed (turns into a strength) and able to be utilised for positive results as the person becomes more grounded and less defensive. With time, people find the strength and enthusiasm to speak and listen more compassionately. They contribute more to the world than they did previously.

Please contact me if this resonates with you and you would like to know more.


If you would like immediate support for any issues or feelings that come about from reading this article, call either of the following 24 hour services.

Lifeline Ph 13 11 14 https://www.lifeline.org.au/

Beyond Blue Ph 1300 22 4636 https://www.beyondblue.org.au/home