Health and Wellness


As we emerge from the constraints of recent months many of us are entering a period where our unconsciousness and conditioned patterns of living are being broken. The pressure cooker of hard times is actually what interrupts and challenges our ability to keep maintaining our habitual patterns. We find we can’t just continue to go through the motions. We can’t just keep up the momentum of how we’ve been taught to be and what we’ve been taught to ignore and what we’ve been taught to prioritise. We realise that what’s

2024-05-29T23:49:32+10:00December 22nd, 2020|

The HeartMath Experience

We are all experiencing challenges and disruptions to our lives. Anxiety and uncertainty about the future is rife in our communities and stress levels are generally higher than average – even for people who are typically calm and grounded. HeartMath is offering free access to their popular new online program, The HeartMath Experience, during the months of April and May and possibly longer. Click here for your free access to The HeartMath Experience. This effective 90‑minute interactive learning experience provides insights into the power of your heart’s intelligent guidance. You will learn 5 scientifically validated HeartMath techniques

2024-05-30T00:28:14+10:00May 8th, 2020|


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."  -- Mark Twain I have long been interested in the phenomenon of curiosity. When I contemplate its meaning I realise that it comes from “presence”- being totally present in a given moment. Curiosity is an active meditation requiring an opening of the senses and a sharpening of

2020-05-04T13:43:57+10:00May 4th, 2020|

The Truth Is In The Body

On the radio I heard a discussion about a program that helped gambling addicts by using dramatic acting. A young man spoke about his addiction and his $1,000,000 debt. He said he had tried a variety of counselling methods to resolve his addiction but nothing changed until he joined the acting group. He said that by acting he had to engage his body and, “with your body there is a sensation that is so real – that’s where I felt the humungous shift in finding my own truth rather than

2024-05-29T23:52:42+10:00September 7th, 2018|

What To Do About Anxiety

Of the most recent 25 people who have come to see me for the first time, 44% reported on their intake form that they were experiencing anxiety. Almost all of these people were not experiencing clinically diagnosed anxiety nor were they receiving any treatment for the condition. Statistics tell us that over 2 million Australians experience clinically diagnosed anxiety every year.  Clearly it can be a serious condition requiring medical and psychological help. But where does that leave the seemingly large group of people, such as people who come to

2024-05-29T23:54:33+10:00August 6th, 2018|

“Feeling Old”

During the initial stages of a first consultation, it is common for people to tell me that they are “feeling old”. They talk about experiencing “aches and pains”, restricted movement in their joints, lack of energy, stress, depression, anxiety and perhaps one or more chronic health conditions. In fact, if you are over 50 years old (and often younger), the above symptoms are regarded as normal in our society. They seem to be the standard by which people are judged by our conventional health care system. This situation is inevitable

2024-05-29T23:55:36+10:00February 19th, 2018|

Noticing – with Curiosity

We say things we regret, we feel things - anger, resentment, jealousy, that are toxic to ourselves and others; and we act on impulse instead of with forethought. How can we change this destructive behaviour? The answer is: to take note of what is happening and be curious about it. This is a deceptively simple instruction that nonetheless has tremendous power. What does it mean? And how do you do it? Being the witness, the watcher, the observer, has been a part of meditative practice for centuries, but what this really means is not

2024-05-29T23:56:51+10:00September 14th, 2017|

What is Healing?

To heal is to become whole. The words “healing” and “curing” are commonly used interchangeably, but their definitions are different. Curing is a restoration of health, an absence of symptoms, and a remedy of disease. It’s a return to a previous state of health. This is the aim of our health care system – to take you back to the state you were in before the symptoms or disease. Which, of course, was the very state of “dis-ease” you were in when the symptoms began (and may well have contributed

2024-05-29T23:57:40+10:00August 9th, 2017|

What to Expect From My Practice

Providing relief for people who present with symptoms, as outlined below, is fundamental to my practice. But most of all, I am interested in seeking and treating the underlying causes of their pain and discomfort. Network Chiropractic Care and Profound Tension Release remain as the effective basis of my practice. A yearning for greater creativity and expression is a constant experience for many people. Time and again, people express to me their frustration at not being free to be more constructive in their lives. A yearning for greater creativity and

2017-04-10T21:12:17+10:00April 10th, 2017|

Questioning Our Thoughts

Consider this: A thought is harmless unless we believe it. A belief is simply a thought that we’ve been attached to, often for years. It is not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Our stress is not due to the world around us, but what we believe about the world around us. When we believe negative thoughts - we suffer, and when we don’t believe those same thoughts - we don’t suffer. If something is “just a thought” then how much power does it actually

2024-05-29T23:58:22+10:00December 18th, 2016|
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